

Since its inception NASA has spent trillions of dollars for the mere reason told for its establishment in order to provide for research into the problems of flight within and outside the Earth's atmosphere and for other like purposes in 1958. But unfortunately it proved like a camel who first entered its head in the tent and then occupied the whole tent (As it has been spending/grabbing a very large amount of the American tax payers every year. So far NASA has grabbed/fueled a lion’s share & a lot of precious money owned by millions of Americans/humans who are living miserable life due to its costly outer space missions which are not giving anything to humanity. As far as its useful missions is concerned their usefulness is not denied but the first thing which should be taken into consideration is that whether the man has accomplished all its obligation pertaining to earth and humanity so now he should go for searching the new horizons for the progress/well-being of the humanity in the universe which is far vast as it even cannot be imagined.   
All this is being done under the nose of the most modern & well educated Americans who are considered the torch bearer of knowledge in the world. Their silence in this regard is un-understandable. I don’t know what the people belonging to NASA are searching/looking for because I know one thing that Allah in his holy book Quran has said that only the earth has been made like bed for you.  Allah said that “Wa ma khalqtul Jinnah wal insa illa layabadoon” that we have made humans and jinn’s (demons) not only to pray for their God. It means that there are only two creatures(Humans & Jinns(Demons) hwo have been created by God and who have been bestowed with the power to take any initiative whether it right or wrong and both have been living on earth. Another thing which has been mentioned by the God in his book is that only the atmosphere of the earth has been made favorable for the sustenance of the life on it and for the living things. Here one question arises that why these most intelligent people on earth (Americans) are searching for the clue of life on other planets and in the universe. While God has clearly told that the earth has been made favourbale for the sustenance of the life on it. All other elements(Like Water,Oxygen,Food etc.) which are very necessary for the existence of life have been put together on earth with wonderful precision.

All such efforts will go in vain and will be the wastage of precious money and time. They will not be able to found any part of the universe where all necessary elements for the sustenance of the life will be available except earth. So first of all they should take care of the affairs of the land(earth) making it a paradise for all the human beings and then go for searching the new horizons for the settlement of the humans.  

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