


This the name by which Allah is known as AlRaheem. This is the attribute of Allah, and an oft repeated phrase in the Holy Quran. Allah is the most merciful, both in this (world) and the Hereafter. He bestows mercy on all of his creation, and showers mercy to each of His creations. Mercy as a quality is inherent in all of us because of being the Kaliph of Allah on earth. When Allah created mercy he divided it into 100 parts. He placed one part of it inside each of His creations, and kept back the other 99 parts. These 99 parts will be used by Allah to show us mercy on the Day of Judgment. Mothers have the greatest mercy for their children; even the wildest of beasts show tenderness to their off springs.
As great as the mercy of the mother is for her child, Allah’s mercy is much greater and equivalent to 70 mothers. So important is this quality that Allah has made it incumbent on us to commence every action, every utterance, with ‘Bismillaahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem’ (in the name of Allah, Most Merciful, The Most Beneficent). This is in order that Allah can bless us in whatever we do, whatever we say. Without the utterance of the Bismallah, the action is void of mercy; has no blessing in it, nor any good. It is when we, as the servants of Allah, and obedient to his commands, show mercy towards one another, that Allah sends His Mercy down on us.
The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) has condemned the person who shows no mercy. He (PUBH) said: "The Most Merciful One shows mercy to those who have mercy on others. Show mercy to those on earth, and the One above the heaven will show mercy to you."
In view of this it is just as important to show mercy to others, as it is to beseech Allah for mercy. Let us resolve to bestow our mercy, the quality we have been blessed with, on others. Do take care though, that in our rush to do so, we forget to be merciful to ourselves.
If we can truly bestow mercy on ourselves and our fellow humans, as easily as the rain falls, we will indeed be blessed, even as we bless others. Truly, the quality of mercy drops from the Heavens, because it comes from Allah.
A Poet said it very eloquently: “O Allah, have mercy on us above the earth and below the earth and on the Day when our deeds will be presented to us. And cause us to be merciful to one another just as the Companions of Your Prophet (PBUH) were. And have mercy on our dead ones and put those who have mercy from amongst Your servants in charge over us, O Most Merciful!”…Ameen

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