


It is a universal truth which is acknowledged by all the religions of the universe that the substance from which man has been made is based on the Good & the Evil. I mean to say that the recognition towards good & evil has been bestowed to human beings and they have been set free by the God to choose whatever they want.   It is now upon us to choose whether we want to choose the path of God or Satan. Human beings normally tend to choose the beauties of the world and they do not believe on the unseen at large. This is the problem which is to be cured.

In actual all the divine religions stress upon us to follow the teachings of God and left the teachings of Satan. I have read somewhere that as God has revealed holy books upon his chosen people, Satan done the same because after reading the books of certain writers it appears that Satan has also revealed books upon them because they seem to preach the evil deeds. We should follow the teachings of God. May God bless us. Regards. 

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