


When in principal it was decided by the God that he is going to create “the Man” at that time he also ordered the pen to write the fate of the man according to the following:
1.      What will be his age?
2.      Whether he will be a believer or disbeliever.
3.      How he will earn his livelihood?
4.      How he will die.
5.      Where he will die.
And much more then that what is the role of the man after being born in the world. If everything has been written earlier than what is the status of the man and his deeds? How  he will be entitled for reward or punishment? If he has been made so helpless then how he can be punished for his deeds.
Actually the matter is not like that because when we do not give any one any responsibility then how we can make him accountable for that. It means all human beings have been given some liberty and they have been told what is right and what is wrong? Even the recognition about right & wrong has been interwoven in the soul of the man.  Every new born baby has been born at righteousness but it is his parents and atmosphere which make him believer of disbeliever.
So God has given us some liberty to choose right & wrong and for that liberty we will be accountable before him. This question about fate was also asked from Hazrat Ali how much liberty has been provided to man and they asked that question asking man to lift his one leg up and he lift his leg. Then Hazrat Ali Again asked him to lift his other leg but he said that if he will lift his other leg he will fell down on the earth then Hazrat Ali told him that human beings have been provided the liberty to take one step with their will and other step will be according to the first step and they will be asked/accountable for decision making about their this liberty/freedom/authority.
Here a questions arises that whether the above mentioned things can be changed with the pray or they are final but it like the example of us; I mean that if I am the writer of letter then it is my will to remove or add anything or word in the text of the letter so God can change that fate if he wants to. Someone has beautifully expressed in following way that don’t stop praying for anything before God it might be written that this thing will be given to him upon his praying. So don’t lose your heart and be a bit smart and pray not only for yourself but keep me in your prayers too. Man Does not control his own fate it has been controlled by divine force. 

Thanx Regards.  


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