


I don't know why all humanity have the fever in their minds that they are superiors than others. This attitude have deep roots in human history. In history all the famous emperors like Pharaoh,Haman, Shaddad, and their is a long list of such people who assume themselves supreme in the human race but their miserable tales are now part of the history. Going to the recent past it was Hitler who told German people that being Aryans they belong to superior human race and thus destroyed them through this tactic. Being proud/ patriot to be at ones country is not a bad thing but to assume himself as supreme from others on account of sects, race,blood,colour, and such other qualities is nothing else but an illusion. 
I have stronger reasons to believe that all human beings are  part of  a same family and have father & Mother. If anyone claim himself that he is superior than others what are the grounds  and on what account he claims so. Whether he is made of Diamond,Gold,Silver and others are made of flush? Whether he is made of anything else than the substance of semen and others are made of  other substances which is inferior than him? Whether he was the chooser/ or has taken part in being born in an emperors family or any other wealthy family or any other nation. If not than if god has sent him to a poor family than what would be the situation than where his false notions will stand? Whether he has Father & Mother other than Hazrat Adam & Eve who are recognized as Father & Mother of whole humankind. 
All such feelings which we experience from such people & nations are all false prides which have nothing to say in this regard. Only there is one thing which distinguishes one person from other that how much he is kind to humanity and how much he is polite and gentle with others. 
Comments upon the topic will be welcomed. 

Thanx regards 

False Pride of the People & Nations

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