
I have recently seen the movie namely ” The Hunting Grounds” launched by the famous Cable News Network (CNN). I want to share my views with the general Public.
The entire movie encompasses the rape incidents happened in different colleges/universities of USA. All this happened due to free sitting opportunities of both the opposite sexes.(This would be like living in a fool’s paradise by getting petrol & fire together and to expect that fire would not ignite).  The rapists found enough time to tempt/lure the females with their love discussions and thus found the opportunity to rape them. At this point I want to present a solution before the public with the help of Islamic teachings which tells the women to use veil/cloak in order to prevent themselves from such dangerous incidents which cause psychological problems for the whole of their life.  Since by wearing veil/cloak they would not be recognized and then they would be protected.

Another problem lies with the coeducation system which creates such opportunities which can cause danger to their chastity. Such incidents can be minimized /diminished by establishing separate educational institutions for the females. Females has been given significant importance in the Islamic system by educating the male members of the society to not to stare at the females and keep their eyes lower. In the same ways females have also been advised by the God to use veil/cloak in order to get themselves protected. Islamic teachings also have the right solution of the issue and it advises all the male & female folk to do not schedule such celebrations/functions having participation of both the sexes. As there is a famous maxim” where there is will, there is way; but by implying these principles such destructive incidents harming the whole society can be significantly diminished.  Islamic teachings are ideal for all the human beings especially for the females.            

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