



Comments are invited/welcomed from all people around the globe so as to find out the possible result/outcome from the underwritten theory. 

Whenever I see/visit the world outside my home I see that everyone irrespective of age, sex, religion creed, caste is searching for ecstasy (extreme state of delight, joy, happiness). Upon seeing such situation I wonder that what is the instinct/previous experience which urges whole humanity to search for this state(ecstasy).There are almost four or five methods/techniques which are associated with having/getting such state(ecstasy).
First of them is called ecstasy acquired out of eating (Food, Fruit, every eatable etc.), so we can see that everyone is looking for the most delicious food present on this earth/universe and the search is going on/continue and nothing like that has yet been introduced/discovered upon which everyone can say that this the most delicious food ever and I hope that this would not be decided in future too, why?.
Second state of ecstasy which can be obtained is associated with the sex but still no one can claim that he have achieved the last/highest state of ecstasy through this method because search for having highest state of ecstasy through this method is still going on and different medicines/methods are being introduced/used discovered to achieve this goal and this would will also remain indecisive, why?.
Third method of obtaining the state of ecstasy is associated with having a lot of wealth/gold/diamonds and the thirst of having more and more money never ended and will never end. No one knows that what is the cause/reason of getting more and more money but this is also a source of getting extreme state of delight(ecstasy) through having the power to purchase everything associated with the process of obtaining ecstasy(i.e, Food, Women, land, drugs) again search for maximum joy leading to unlimited search again, why?
Fourth method of obtaining the state of ecstasy is associated with lot of land which also leads to ultimate source of income/wealth and then leads to wish to get extreme state of joy(ecstasy).
Fifth technique to acquire the state of ecstasy is associated with the usage of drugs. Trillions of rupees are spend on purchasing these drugs for the sake of acquiring ecstasy. This journey has been started from the opium/marijuana and now it has reached at its peak in shape of heroin which is destroying the life of millions of people every year which are in search of ecstasy. 

What is the thing  they are looking for(I mean all humanity? I put this question before the reader too?  

To be continued

Things people search for

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